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Alright, I'm not gonna sit here and pretend anymore.

I won't lie about anything okay? I'll just give you the rundown of everything.

(theres gonna be alotta pings so sorry in advance, but these ppl probably aint even online)

Alright, I think I joined this wiki in around 2020. It started off weird. Because when you're new it's always weird. But sadly...

Everything went wrong, I got into an argument with some guy a few days after my arrival about something, This would've been fine if I wasn't completely wrong. To make matters worse they texted another wikian who I won't name about me and I already had a bad rep

In 4 days.

For an argument.

About whether Ikazune was related to Revenine.

To make matters worse, A big post about if Umbrat was good for PvP, I simply thought it wasn't because:

  1. It's an route one that's easy to obtain with no moveset outside of dark typed moves and with quite garbage stats.

  2. Read number 1

However after saying that I got quite and quite a lot of backlash for it

I'm talking loads of it

Even got cussed out by like 2 people minimum for it

I'm not gonna say that how I reacted was good, but I didn't cuss or even really insult anyone.

This was pretty heartbreaking, because lemme remind you that I was pretty new-ish (i think like 3 months in the wiki idk) and this pretty much sucked because you never even see Umbrat in this current meta

Like not even a single person uses it.

I bet people use Arapaigo more.

Would even bet they use Pyder's evolution more. (forgot it's name srry)

I honestly made so many mistakes on that post, but like it got so bad that I actually had to FORFEIT the entire thing, so I just made an apology post.

Oh fun fact, I wasn't even sorry, I just did it because I couldn't even take it

Shout out to @Quino The Local Idiot whos not online but defended me (in a way)

I met @3lectrictiger360 and @FineChoco and they let me join up with them

I think Tiger was a Hunder and I was a Garbantis I can't remember what choco was.

I also met @Zeitrepxe who's name at the time was Dire75

Welp, after that I was pretty much left out on EVERYTHING.

Like everything that the wiki were doing, I was rarely even in them, I tried everything to get in. But it just FLOPPED man.

Wikians in a box? Around 50 people in it. Didn't make the cut

Wikians in loomian legacy art? tons of those, didn't make a single one.

Wikians doing anything? If I don't try to personally join in, it's wraps.

Like it's just wraps.

No second chances, just complete wraps, like I don't know if you hear me when I say it's done.

It's almost as if I didn't even exist.

Fast forward a year later, it's 2021 and Loomifood came out :)

I joined it, It was like a roleplay thing where we served you Loomians

Man it was fun and great. Everyone got along and it was an overall W

This is also the time when SOMEONE decided to hate me.

I'll keep their identity a secret. But if you know, you know (which no one knows so it's good)

For some reason this person was nice to EVERYONE but me

Like jeez I'm sorry my pfp was Wario in a Mario suit bro because I have no idea what I did to you

I tried to be nice to them

Even when they weren't nice to me.

But it just didn't work

Anyways about loomifood, @XxShadowxX3 Made loomifood and it was so fun

I met @Someone144 , @MajorPaine40 , @DougGrap13 , and @Mncastorm .

It was so fun we did it again next Saturday with an updated menu

Well, remember the first loomifood? People started fighting there, and sadly it spread to this one, which ended up the post either:

A: Being deleted

B: Being locked

Both of those outcomes suck so sadly the whole thing had shut down, and all because SOME LOSERS had to ruin it, this was not heartbreaking. It was SOULCRUSHING. Many of those friends I made had left after and it really made me stressed and really sad, because so many people had done nothing but ruin the experience for me.

Oh btw I met @Sebas71 So that's a plus.

I tried to enjoy the wiki, even after my friends, and those jerks left.

"You still have Tiger, Choco and Doug though right?"

Nope, Tiger had to leave because of personal stuff I won't go into, whatever his stuff he does now is with him.

And me and Choco rarely talk.

I miss you buddy :(

Doug is still here, we talk sometimes.

2022, I met @Vh3333313 they're both great people, and I like em alot, but at this point I've lost so many people, and I barely want to stay

Doors came out, and so did it's wiki. So I joined it, unlike this wiki, if you are a jerk, you can still make it up. Theres lots of people on the wiki who have made mistakes.

And it's okay to make a mistake.

It's not okay to repeat them.

Remember @Prakritthegr8 ? They made mistakes, I forgave them, They learned (they got blocked sadly) but they are one of the best people I knew.

But it isn't okay to dogpile on someone just because they made one (i've done this too, and it isn't okay)

Because you may think it's good, but in reality you just became what you sworn to destroy (totally not taken)

I know I'm not gonna get everyone I've lost to come back

So that's all.

That's it.

Like it's complete wraps.

Now you know why I'm not online as much (if at all) anymore.

All I want to say now.

Is that I'm sorry

I'm sorry to everyone I may have hurt in some way, I know I can't repay them, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I hope you can forgive me.


I made mistakes, got dogpiled, left out, accepted, lost many friends, got really sad, and pretty much left the wiki. I've come back to say sorry.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.